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When will DHRLife actually start paying reimbursements?

DHRlife platform is actually open for subscriptions. But when will DHRLife start paying reimbursement and what will be the cost per person?

I hope this information can be readily available so that members start preparing.  DHRlife seems like the game-changer in town. Their platform is super good and its a huge enhancement to our community. They are others out there that we all know about but DHRlife seems to be more than just death.

Everyone is waiting for the AfricanMarket to go fully operational as well as the options of the service.

GA voted to have the activation on 1st January. I hope they don't change their minds.

Looking forward to that.

I think we need everyone's  opinion here  and many more on how to get people registered.

Thank you



dhrlife_admin has reacted to this post.

Good Question.

Actually, at the last GA that took place on the 22nd of November 2020, members voted to go active on the 1st of January 2021.

So from January 2021, DHRLife will be in a position to start paying reimbursements. What does that mean? it means should something happens to active members and after verification. $5000.00 will be reimbursed to the bereaved next of kin or family.  If activation numbers are below 1000 subscribers. And at $16000.00 for active subscribers above 1000. It takes 1 month from the day of registration for a Resident/Citizen to go from probation to activation.

We encourage everyone to get on board and subscribe. Associations can encourage their members to subscribe so that we get to numbers above 1000.

It will cost a member $10 at the moment if something happens. Consider the $25 per member per year members of other platforms currently pay, DHRLife is quite competitive given its low subscription numbers and less propensity to actually announce a death.

As the numbers go up, the price per person goes down. We don't expect anything to happen on January 1st. But DHRlife is ready for the challenge. So rest assured, continue to register and subscribe to members. Encourage other associations to subscribe as well.

Last but not not least, the AfricanMarket and Services platform is being worked on.

so yes, this is a good discussion for people to chip in.

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