Death Comes without Warning

We are with you, all the way with your love ones

DHRLIFE! A gift for the future

Call : +1 (514) 913 6130




The Montreal CCA (Council Cultural Association) Festival

Celebrating 10 years of Cultural Heritage in Montreal – Canada



DHRLife General Assembly

Dear all,
Notice is hereby given that the meeting of the 3rd Annual General Assembly Meeting of DHRLife is 
scheduled to hold on August 24, 2024, at 8:00 P.M. EST via Zoom. The President of the Executive Committee invites the Presidents/Representatives of all Partner Associations

Join our event today :

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Our benefits

General intro text…


Relieves the financial burden for families when the unexpected happens.


A platform to Connect members of the community for networking and sharing. Provide a platform for group management.


Let’s prepare as a community to support each other not just for the unexpected.


Provide a platform to help our community access vital services.


Get an e-Notification when your membership status changes.


Cover parents in Canada and the USA.


Promote and encourage community initiative. Promote philanthropic gestures within the community.


Facilitate the last journey to the final resting place.

At first we struggled

The concept of insurance can be traced back to the days of the Romans, but it wasn’t formalized until the 18th century. Essentially, it’s a means of spreading financial risk among a large number of people who pay into a fund or pool. In this way, the cost is minimized for those who suffer an unexpected misfortune. The Diaspora Home Return (DHR) is founded on this basis but as a non-profit making organization tailored to assist Canadian residents in times of need.

Celebrate happiness with us.

DHRLife is a community-owned, community managed social insurance, collaborative and networking scheme, aimed at lessening the burden on the family of deceased members as well as other services as need arises to our community.

Donate to support
Become Volunteers

Together build love.

DHRLife is a community-owned, community managed social insurance, collaborative and networking scheme, aimed at lessening the burden on the family of deceased members as well as other services as need arises to our community.

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